Mayank Gupta

Full Stack Developer

Hello, I'm Mayank Gupta 👋🏻 , a passionate and creative developer with a keen interest in building things that matter. My journey in the world of coding started with a simple project. Since then, I've been on a continuous learning curve, exploring various technologies and frameworks to turn ideas into reality.

Certifications | Internships

July 2023 - current

Teaching Assistant Intern(Remote)

  • Resolve front-end development queries, guide students in coursework, and emphasize practical skills mastery.
  • Encourage interactive learning through student questions and collaborate on real-world projects.
March 2023 - current

Geekster | Geekster Coding Bootcamp

  • Conquered 300+ DSA/ Data Structures and Algorithms challenges on Leetcode Hackerrank, demonstrating a robust problem-solving capability.
  • Worked on various projects like: Budget-Planner , Text-Utils , Password-Generator , and more…
  • Technical Stack Learned: Java, JavaScript, React, Tailwind, CSS, HTML, and Figma
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Latest Projects

Cloud Storage Application

Live Preview
  • Developed a feature-rich Cloud Storage Application using React and Firebase, offering seamless file management capabilities.
  • Tech Stack : React, Styled Components, Material-UI, Redux, Firebase, React Toastify.
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Latest Projects

Movie Explorer App

Live Preview
  • Developed a movie catalog app using React for a seamless user experience in exploring and discovering movies and TV shows.
  • Tech Stack : React, React Router, Redux , SCSS and other libraries.
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Bachlors in Mechanical Engineering

GLA University, Mathura

CPI: 6.53



S.M.K Senior Secondry School (C.B.S.E)




S.M.K Senior Secondry School (C.B.S.E)

CGPA: 9.2

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My Skills

Front End

HTML CSS JS React Firebase Redux Bootstrap Tailwind SASS

Back End

Node.js MongoDB

Design & Tools

Git Github VS Code Figma
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Contact Me

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